Do you suffer from a fear of eating vegetables, also known as lachanophobia? Vegetable phobia is actually one of the most common of all food fears and is widely demonstrated by people of all ages.
What is so frightening about vegetables? Apparently, quite a lot! Not only are many people afraid of eating vegetables, but some actually refuse to eat food that has touched vegetables. Others will not even touch vegetables with their hands and the mere sight of veggies makes them feel queasy.
I always hated vegetables when I was a kid. I only ate one or two and only if they were prepared a certain way. This fear became part of my many dietary restrictions as an adult and I must admit that I never ate vegetables at all as an adult until I finally overcame my horrible avoidant restrictive food intake disorder and began eating normally for the first time in my life…
This post explores vegetable phobia. We will discuss all types of food fears relating to vegetables and how these fears express themselves, as well as the consequences they create mind and body. If you think vegetables are gross or simply suck as food, then this is the perfect discussion for you!
Types of Fear of Eating Vegetables
The most common manifestation of vegetable phobia includes people who will simply not eat vegetables in any capacity. They do not like them cooked. They do not like them raw. Some people might make a few exceptions, but many simply dismiss the entire vegetable category of foods from their dietary intake.
Others might be more particular and not eat foods that even contain vegetable ingredients. These people can usually be broken down into 2 distinct categories: those who will eat foods where vegetables have been processed beyond recognition (potato flour, for example) and people who simply refuse to eat any vegetable ingredients at all. This second group is really extreme and might have a very difficult time finding foods to eat in this modern age of food processing.
The smallest group of vegetable phobics can not tolerate the very idea of vegetables. They do not want to see them, smell them or touch them in any way. The concept of vegetables is completely unappealing to them and even offensive.
Variations of Vegetable Phobia
Vegetable fear can be further broken down into endless possible expressions in individuals. For example, I would eat corn, but only if it was cut off the cob and then drowned in butter and salt. I would also eat plain iceberg lettuce in a “salad” with lemon as dressing. On rare occasions, my mother could convince me to eat green beans, but only if she took the seeds out and once again drown them in butter and salt. I loved french fries and ate them all the time, but refused to eat any other type of potato. I also ate ketchup with french fries, but literally hated any other type of tomato product. Are your vegetable eating habits just as weird as mine were?
Some people color prejudice vegetables. They refuse to eat red ones or green ones. Any possible color could be considered acceptable or distasteful in this regard.
Some people will eat vegetables that grow above ground, but refuse to eat veggies that grow underground, like carrots and potatoes.
Some people will not eat or even go near vegetables that feature a strong smell, like broccoli.
Some people might consider eating just raw vegetables, but will not tolerate cooked veggies. Others go the opposite route, preferring cooked vegetables, but shunning raw preparations.
Really there is no limit on the restrictions a person might put on their dietary intake of vegetables. Many people have highly individualized eating habits when it comes to this particular category of food.

Consequences of Fear of Eating Vegetables
I must say right now that I LOVE vegetables now. I literally eat them every day. I realize how healthy they are and guarantee that anyone who eats more vegetables will enjoy considerable health benefits at any age and physical condition. What happens if you do not eat any vegetables? Well I basically didn’t eat any for almost 40 years. I grew up big, strong and healthy. Some would say a physical specimen… However, science shows that skipping veggies is not a good idea:
Vegetables are very high in nutritional value. Refusing to eat vegetables might lead to nutritional deficits in terms of vitamins and/or minerals.
Vegetables are low in fat and calories. Refusing to eat them in favor of high calorie and high fats foods might lead to obesity and diabetes.
Vegetables contain lots of natural fiber. Failure to receive an adequate supply of fiber leads to digestive problem, constipation and serious hemorrhoids.
I managed to do ok on my very weird diet for years, but I can’t help but ask myself how much healthier I might have been if I DID eat more, especially during my formative years… You can read lots more about my own struggles with food in the My Story section and get the compete story, as well as my tips for curing ARFID in my book My Food Fear.
How do you feel about eating veggies? What are your weird quirks?